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Understanding Hearing Loss
Author:   Source:   Time:2014-03-18   Hits:2760


In most cases, hearing loss doesn't happen suddenly, but accumulates slowly over years and years. This makes it difficult for many people to realize their hearing ability has become diminished. Here are some common signs of hearing loss:

  • When people talk, they sound like they are mumbling.
  • You can hear people talking but can't understand their words.
  • It becomes more difficult to carry on conversations in louder settings, such as restaurants.
  • Your friends and family notice your hearing loss and mention it to you.
  • You need to turn the TV volume louder than you used to, or louder than what others find comfortable.

Many recent studies have shown that untreated hearing loss affects our relationships with friends and loved ones, our social and emotional well-being, and our overall quality of life. For those still in the workplace, hearing loss can negatively impact job performance and income potential as well.